Composition of the plant remainders


(by kilogram per hectare)

Type of the forest

Part with trees



Beech forest








Pine tree




Regarding plain plants (grassy plants), plant remainders in them are high compared to forest plants Despite of it plain plants form humus much than forest plant. It depends from one side developing weakly and widely of the root of the plain plants and from other hand rotted completely and appropriating of plain plants with ground. Plant remainders have very different chemical composition. It has been found in the result of carrying out research that plant remainders have the following composition:CO2-45% H-6 - 5%O-42% N-1 - 5%Mineral matters - 5 %sNitrogen and mineral matters are high in plain plants in our territory. Depending on rich in nitrogen of the remainders of this plant, nitrous matters being from matters of the most important food in structure of the soilform in the result of rotting. Moreover plant remainders form as whole very complex organic compounds. In general, five kind of organic compounds are met in the structure of the plant remainders:1. Matters solved in the water: Sugar matters have been included here. Especially, glucose, mannose, pentose." From organic acids wine acid, lemon acid and sorrel acid" Moreover, some amine acids salts have been included to this group. 2. Organic solutions are solved matters. These matters are solved easily especially in products like alcohol, ether and benzol. From plant remainders oily matters, fat like matters and tannic matters are included to this group. These matters are little durable than 1st group matters as we noted above in its structure and during rotting in the soil they become broken to pieces by microbes and bacteria with difficulty. 3. Cellulose matters: They form the basic part of the plant. Basic feature of cellulose matters is easily becoming broken to ordinary compounds during rotting by small organisms. 4. Lignin matter: In general, it is considered as wide spread matters in structure of the plants. It is durable by structure. They become broken to pieces by micro bacteria difficultly. Lignin matter forms the basic part of humus. Being durable for its structure of humus is explained by presence in its content of lignin. 5. Albumen matters:-this group of matters is very complex and it relates to maters that are rich with nitrous compounds. Albumen matters do not take part directly in forming of humus. But as they have nitrogenous compounds in structure they can be considered as food matter for micro bacteria living in the soil carrying out the process of rotting there. Process of changing of organic matters in the land. Remainders of animal and plants while falling on soil are subjected to very different changes. As a whole, two kinds of processes of changing of organic matters occur in the land. First, complex organic matters are divided and separated to very simple and mostly mineral compounds. E.g: they are divided toCO2; H2O and simple salts etc, later such separated matters turn to be a food for small organisms in the soil microbes and bacteria make them complex at result of living activities and finally new compounds emerge. As we know these compounds are called humus of soil. So, organic matters get rot in the soil gradually and are subjected to two basic processes:1st is the process of mineralization: Matters become broken to small compounds in this process. 2nd is a process of humus: At this process only humus matter is generated by synthesis way of simple compounds with small organisms living in the land.When organic maters turn to humus they are subjected first to influence of dampness and water washing off process and at first stage of this process easily soluble matters pass to water composition from plant remainders. This process creates one suitable condition for process of rotting suitable. Because matters being in structure of the water become as a food matter for microbe and bacteria, and they increase their activities more. The process of rotting in damp and moderate temperature climate passes in the normal way, because such condition increases activities of small organisms and carries out the process of rotting till the end. But in climate with high temperature and less dampness the activities of the microorganisms pass slowly and they sometimes have no effect and even more the process of not rotting but "burning" occurs on organic matters due to such climatic conditions and finally they are broken to simple mineral matters. The influence of the insects living in the soil to the rotting process.Participation of the insects living in the soil does not play less part in changing of the organic remainders in the land. It includes parasites and insects like field mice, rain earthworms and centipede. As a whole, they have a passive and active participation in changing of organic matters. Their passive participation includes that after perishing their remainders become a source of formation of organic matters. But their active participation consists of grinding organic matters mechanically and mixing them with mineral matters of the soil. This both events more intensify the process of the rotting and it creates suitable conditions for arising of chemical reaction of mineral matter of the soil. At last, these insects create organic remainders very complex chemical changes pass from organisms in the result of life activities. These insects taking organic remainders through their organisms at result of living activities and cause very complex chemical changes. Besides parasites living on soil small organisms also play a big part in rotting of organic remainders (microbe and bacteria). They are very different both for their physiological structure and composition. Small organisms are divided to three big groups, firstly:A) BacteriaB) MushroomsC) Protozol Being less or more of small organisms in the soil in general, depends on climate condition. It has been found in the result of carrying out studies the top layer of the soil is rich with small organisms. But its amount diminishes in the bottom layers gradually. According to researchers carried out Ramman scientist, microbe and bacteria that we wrote below can be found at forests:Type of the forest Amount of the small organismsOne gram in soil One gram in the organic matterForest of pine tree Bacterium Microbe Bacterium Microbe35.000000 60.000 59.880.000 60.000Fir-tree forest 1.647.000 343.000 2.165.000 450.000Presence of some microbe and bacteria in structure of the soil creates more suitable conditions for process of rotting. Turning of organic matter to humus passes especially by participation of microbe and bacteria. Therefore it is necessary to look at process of forming of humus in the soil as micro biologic process. In the first place, in the result of activities of the small organisms plant remainders are separated to nitrous and non nitrogen matters. From non nitrogen matters like watery carbons, cellulose, lignin and tannin are separated. These become broken to simple compounds in the result of rotting. But nitrous compounds consist of amine acids as a whole. These nitrous matters pass very complex biological changes by microbes and form nitrous matters in structure of the soil in future. Becoming broken of the nitrous matters in the soilNitrous matters consists of amine acids salts in the plant remainders mostly. They compounds organize the basic part of the albumen matters from organic matters. Albumen matters separate from itself ammoniac in its composition easily at result of becoming broken. In general, becoming broken of the albumen matters in the soil is of two kinds:At 1st case can separate ammoniac being undergone to hydrolyze process under influence of the water. At 2nd case anaerobe bacteria living in the soil separate ammoniac from albumen matters under influence of reduction process. We can clarify the aforesaid at result of below given reaction.1. R CH (NH2) COOH+H2O=R CH (OH) COOH+NH3AmmoniacAlbumen matter.2. R CH(NH2) COOH+H2=R•CH2COOH+NH3;This process is called as ammonization process.So, received ammoniac (NH3) is turned to ammoniac nitride (NO2) by special Nitrobacteria living in the land. Nitride compounds are very unstable, so they are turned by nitrobacteria nitrate compounds soon and basic nitrous food are found in soil in the nitrate form. And both nitride and nitrite generating processes pass directly by aerobe bacteria with participation of the oxygen. As a whole, turning of ammoniac to nitrate compound is called as process of nitrate generating. Reaction that we wrote below may be an example to it.1. 2NH3+3O2=2HNO2+2H2O; Later2. 2HNO2+O2=2HNO3; these two processes are called process of nitrate.In nature along with the process of nitrate in exceptional cases one can meet reverse process. At that case nitrogen compounds change nitrogen compounds to simple nitrogen by denitrificator bacteria living in soil. This process is called as de-nitrification. This process is carried out by Anaerobe bacteria in the airless form. Such case is mostly found in the form saturated with water. So, without influence of atmospheric oxygen and organic matters these bacteria can not continue living. Moreover, soil's reaction creates favorable condition for de-nitrification process. This process develops in most cases in the reactions of neutral and weak alkali. It have been found out in the result of carrying out investigations that in many cases de-nitrification process is found in the forest land. So, free nitrogen passing to atmosphere is absorbed by bacteria living in roots of some bean plants in form of a bud can turn so to albuminous matters anew. It turns out that nitrogen has a definite period in the nature. This is called as period of nitrogen in the soil science. At very high and very low temperatures amount of the bacteria diminishes as much as possible, and sometimes it is absent. It has been found in the result of carrying out experiments that the most minimal temperature for living of bacteria should be not less than 3°C. But maximum temperature should not exceed 4°C-5°C. Most suitable temperature for living of bacteria is 25-30°C in average. As we know, temperature condition is directly linked with dampness. Therefore, presence of the dampness for development of the microorganism (of the bacteria)s is deemed to be as conditions. Despite the process of rotting goes under the influence of optimal temperature, less dampness creates condition for slow rotting process. Therefore, being in the definite amount of the dampness is one of necessary conditions for life of the small organisms. Experiments have shown that optimum degree of the dampness is between 24-30 %. It is possible to say taking in view these two basic elements that process of rotting in the nature does not pass in the equal condition, and process of the most intensive rotting occurs in the first half of the summer. At that case both dampness and temperature are in the optimum degree. Process of rotting stops completely as layers of the soil get warm in the hot summer months too much. This circumstance may get weakened in the result of the temperature lowering in the autumn months. At last, it is possible to say that in the winter frosts rotting process of the organic matters stops temporarily completely.The reaction of the soil does not have less influence on the life of the microbe and bacteria. But both aerobe and anaerobic bacteria get developed well in the neutral and weak alkali reaction of the soil reactions. But in acid reactions small organisms stop their activities completely and sometimes they perish. In general, small organisms are divided according to life and physiological system into two big groups:1. Aerobe bacteria: These bacteria survive under influence of the direct air. If organic matters get rotten under influence aerobe bacteria, at result compounds like CO2 H2O; HNO3; Ca; Mg; Kin and other compounds are formed. 2. But Anaerobe bacteria are bacteria that survive in the airless condition. Or to be true, they have no need in atmosphere oxygen. If organic matters remain under influence of the anaerobe bacteria during the rotting process, at that case many special compounds like H2S; CH4; PH3 will be generated as semi-rotten and semi oxidized besides above mentioned matters. Chemical composition of the humus matterAs humus matter is an important part of the soil for a long time scholars had carry out many researches to separate this matter from soil by analytical methods. First time in 1826 Shprengel scientist had offered one method with alkali solutions for separation of humus from soil. According to offer of this scientist if some soil part is shaken and boiled in Na2 CO3 or K2CO3 solution and after filtering this solution from sieve new dark coffee color solution will be received which was named as alkali solution of humus matter of Shrengel. Later the method of Shprengel was improved by scholars like Mulder, Berzelius. Mulder deeply studied the solution of alkali received and found very complex organic acids in its composition. According to Mulder humus matter of soil comprise of below mentioned acids: 1) Lumin acid2) Humic acid3) Kren acid4) Anokren acid These acids are differed sharply each from other by composition and physical structure. Lumin and humic acids are acids that oxidized weakly. It organizes the youngest part of the humus matter. Its color is grayish and sometimes is blackish. It is solved in the water with difficulty. Salts forming from these acids are called lignitic material. Level of melting of these salts in the water is less. As oxidizing level is less it is considered as most durable part of humus matter and they are not washed out from soil. But color of kren acid is greenish. Level of oxidizing is rather high than humic sour. It solves in the water easily. Salts of cren acid Na, K, Ca, Mg, Ka (crenates) are solved in the water easily. But Anacreneacid is colorless and transparent. They are solved in the water easily. Level of oxidizing is high compared to above mention humic and cren acids. Later Sven-Oden scientist offered new classification of the humus matter. At result of research carried out by this scholar humus matter of soil comprise below given separate organic compounds. 1. Humus coal2. Humus acid3. Himatomelan acid4. Fulvene acidThis classification offered by Sven-Odeyen did not lose its reliability at present. In general, different theories have been put forward by scientists about source of humus generation from basic matters in the soil.First from theories is a theory put forward by scientists of Fischer, Schroeder from these theories in the first place. According to this theory, basic matter that procreates humus is matter of lignin, cellulose and tannin. They are very durable according to their composition. Humus's durability is also connected with presence of lignin in its structure. According to the theory of these scientists related to albuminous matters, so these do not take part in humus forming, and easily becoming broken to pieces in structure of the soil. Therefore, the theory offered by these scientists is called as lignin theory of humus. Other group of scholars like Kravkov, Liverovsky, Slyozkin, Hoppozeyler had offered another, second theory. Basic matter that procreates humus according to these scientists is the part of the plant remainders solved in the water easily. As scientific bases of this theory did not so profound it did not approved. Presently lignin theory had lost its innovation in generation of humus.Importance and role of the organic matters in the landOrganic matters have very vital importance in the soil. First of all, organic matters enrich a soil with nitrogen and mineral matters. The more the plant remainders fall to soil, the more the level of nitrogen and mineral matters will be in soil and these matters may generate from broken plant remainders. Regarding humus this matter creates some new properties in the soil. Humus matters besides being a source of nitrogen source in structure of the soil creates the property of absorption in the soil. According to this property, matters of some foods have been caught by soil ands protracted. Moreover humus has big influence on physical property of soil. “Structure" of soil with direct participation of humus matters is generated. Moreover in connection of presence of organic colloids in structure of organic matters and particularly of humus the dampness volume of soil is formed. Therefore, in soils with more humus the water is protected much decently. At last, more or less humus in the soil depends on its morphologic structure and influences its color first. The more the humus is soil the darker will be its color and by diminishing the color of soil gets lightened. It has been determined in the result of carrying out of investigations that amount of humus in one soil layer is high at top layer and less at bottom layers. Undoubtedly, it is connected with richness of these top layers with organic matters. One of characteristic sign of humus is adhesive property. This property of humus matter creates structure of the soil by gluing some small mineral particles of the soil together with CaCO3 in the soil. Therefore, often humus is called as a cement of soil.Soil solutionsSoil solutions are considered as the most necessary part of the soil. It is possible to say that development of plant is dependent on soil solutions. Soil solutions have been in structure of the soil in the form of damp drop and they are able to move. Therefore, as a whole, as plants use matters solved in the water easily with their roots, first of all, soil solutions play the big role in the plant life. Both theoretic and scientific interests are great in study of soil solutions. Because, quality and quantity of the soil define food reserve in soil. Moreover it reveals salts that harmful to plant life in soil. At last, depending on feature of the soil solutions, it can change the soil formation process. In general, soil solutions are connected with dampness in the soil. The more the dampness level the lower the feature of soil will be gradually. But in hot dry weather the process of evaporation is high and by diminishing the soil dampness its quality increases. In some cases the evaporation in the soil is so much that soil solutions disappear. At that compounds in structure of solution settle on surface of soil. This circumstance is very spread in the lowlands. These form crusts of salt, salt layers on oil. But sometimes soil solutions are either transparent or light yellowish from physical peculiarities. But it has different salts in its structure. From chemical peculiarities one can meet mineral organic and organic mineral compounds in structure of the soil solutions. To study soil solutions these solutions are removed from soil by certain analytical methods. Therefore, some methods have been offered for this purpose by different scientists.

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