Some information about chemical character of soils od deluvial form of salinization in the condition of Siyazan-Sumgayit tract


(submitted by academician of Azerbaijan SSR V.A. Volobuyev)
Land of the foothills plain is a source of big stocks in broadening of the sowing areas in the republic. But these lands have become saline in different dealluvial forms. These lands have been studied very little. The first information about dealluvial form of the salinization was given by V.A.Kovda [5] and V.R.Volobuyev [4]. Definition of these lands has been given by V.R.Volobuyev from classification viewpoint.
Some specific features of the soils of dealluvial form of salinization were clarified recently, genesis condition of these lands and geographical spreading and land-reclamation have been specified [1-3]. But features of dealluvial saline soils do not finish with noted features. It is necessary to look through a number of other indicators for giving the complete description of such lands. The given article provides some of these features.
Clarification of spreading of calcium carbonate in soils depending on inclination of area and amount of calcium carbonate in dealluvial saline soils is one of the important matters. It is clear from the presented scheme (the 1st picture) that dealluvial saline lands are completely carbonated in the conditions of Siyazan-Sumgayıt tract.
Presence of CaCO3 (for CO2) is met on the land surface. Amount of the carbonate on thickness of the soil hesitates between 3-8%. It must be noted that change is not striking in the amount of the carbonate on inclination of the relief to a considerable extent. Profile of carbonate has same character everywhere except edge of daisy zone of dealluvial slope.
Moreover amount of calcium carbonate in depth horizons of other daisy zones has bigger amount, 8-12%.
Other typical features are determined in distribution of gypsum. Changing of gypsum is observed both on each profile of soil and along with sloping place of the slopes.
But regularity is noted in the changing of gypsum. This regularity, first of all, is observed in the medium layer of lands in all zones of dealluvial slopes of Siyazan – Sumgayit tract compared to maximum amount of gypsum (more than 2%). Another characteristic feature in distribution of gypsum on land profile is gradual increase of amount of gypsum in the direction of width of dealluvial slopes and to comprise big amount in daisy zone of slopes.
It is seen from the 3rd picture that characterize distribution of absorbed natrium the land of the dealluvial slopes of the Siyazan-Sumgayıt tract is saline everywhere. Amount of the absorbed natrium everywhere comprises more than 15% of total amount of absorbed cations. However differentiation is noted in amount of the both on land profile and along with sloping places of hills.
As it is seen from 3rd picture the maximum amount (30% more than general amount of absorbed) of absorbed Na related to medium profile of land. Amount of absorbed natrium in this part of the dealluvial slope increase gradually towards medium layer of land and at the same time it diminishes with the same succession in the depth of the land profile.
In other parts of the dealluvial slope, especially in daisy zone other succession is observed in distribution of absorbed natrium. High amount of the absorbed natrium here relates to upper layer of soils and this amount decreases towards the depth of land profile gradually.
Amount of the absorbed Na along the dealluvial slopes increases considerably towards daisy zone.
So, summarizing the aforementioned we can come to such conclusion that soils in dealluvial saline form are both carbonated and with gypsum. High salinization is one of the distinguishing signs of these lands. Amount of the given indicators changes along with sloping place of foothill plain gradually towards the daisy zone.
Noted features of dealluvial saline soils, probably can be related to other similar events, as the described profile is typical for foothill plain of dry zone of Azerbaijan.

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