Abduyev Mukhtar Rzagulu oglu (14.02.1926 – 16.07.1979)-soil scientist, doctor of agricultural sciences (1966), professor. (1971) Deputy director on scientific works of Soil Science and Agrochemical Institute of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR 1968-1979, head of reclaiming laboratory of same institute.
Mukhtar Rzagulu oglu Abduyev was born in 1926 in village Uchgovag of Agdash region. In 1941 he had finished a secondary school No 3 in Agdash, in 1944 graduated from Agdash Pedagogical School, in 1951 had graduated from Geologic –Geography Faculty of Azerbaijan State University and then entered in post graduate course of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR on specialty of soil science and in 1956 had defended a dissertation work on theme «Dynamics of salinization of lands in eastern part of Shirvan plain» and he was conferred with degree of candidate of agricultural sciences.
During 1955-1965 at result of hard scientific researches Abduyev had defended for the first time a dissertation work on doctor degree on theme “Dealluvial saline lands and issues of its improvement” (1966). He was given a rank of professor in 1971.
During 1954-1956 M.R.Abduyev had worked as junior research officer, and during 1956-1968 as senior research officer, from 1968 to 1979 he worked as Deputy Director on scientific works of Soil Science and Agrochemical Institute. M.R.Abduyev also took an active part in republic in organization of scientific – research works and its development as a member of Coordination Board on problems of Soil Science and Land Improvement of Supervisory Council of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR.
His main research works were dedicated to issues of land-improvement of saline lands. M.R.Abduyev is a first Azerbaijani Doctor of sciences in the field of land improvement.
He studied first time in the world range a source of dealluvial salinization of soil, its diagnostics, theoretical problems and researched ways of land improvement. Fundamental monographic work of the scholar in this field was published in Publishing House of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR (1968) and publication of this work was met with great respect. Famous foreign scholars professor S.V.Oprya and professor G.Sandu had published articles on scientific importance of this work in “Xeberler” (News) magazines of biologic sciences of former Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR and “Soil Science” of former Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
M.R.Abduyev for the first time had shown an effectiveness of land improvement of hard loamy saline lands of republic with chemical land-reclamation (washed with wastes of oil and oil- chemistry industry) and his monographic work called «Fast land improvement of loamy saline lands of Azerbaijan» was published in this connection.
M.R.Abduev had special services in training of scientific staffs, doctors and candidates of sciences. Till 1952 he had read lectures on land improvement and soil science in Azerbaijan Pedagogical Absentia Institute, during 1959-1966 in Azerbaijan State University, during 1966-1968 in Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute. He was a participant and lecturer of “X International Congress of soil scientists” which held in Moscow in 1974.
Professor M.R.Abduyev is an author of over 150 scientific works. Some of his scientific works were published abroad.
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