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ManuscriptsAs podzol zoneAs podzol zone is very damp rain earthworm, mole and field mice have been spread most. Relief of the zone is very complex. Surface here is very superficial low and it consists of heights. Being of such changeable the relief creates suitable conditions for spreading in the different forms of the dampness falling on soil. Soil structureSoil mass has outward appearance like each natural body. General view of the soil is separated to some generic layers depending on colour, structure, compactness. Such genetic layers in fully developed soil are 4 kinds. The most top layer of soil is marked with "A" letter. This layer is called "accumulative" rotting layer. Physical-chemical absorbabilityPhysical-chemical absorbability Depending on condition, if compounds inside of the solution are dissociated, at that case separate ions may be absorbed by soil. If only cations are absorbed in the result of chemical reaction, and if this reaction goes under definite physical strength, such absorption is called physical and chemical absorbability of soil. Composition and properties of the land solutionsProfessor Isheryakov offered the "spirit" method for getting the land solutions. Therefore example of definite land with spirit after shaking is filtered and solution of the land is received. As this method has definite pieces it could not be applied in life. Another scientist Zukhtelen had advised to use paraffin to receive land solution. Composition of the plant remaindersRegarding plain plants (grassy plants), plant remainders in them are high compared to forest plants Despite of it plain plants form humus much than forest plant. It depends from one side developing weakly and widely of the root of the plain plants and from other hand rotted completely and appropriating of plain plants with ground. Biological erosionBecause these consists of matters solved in the water very weakly. Erosion materials from 3rd group will create basic mineral compounds in future in generation of land. Fourth group erosion products as we noted, consist of salts and therefore some part of them forms nutrition items of land and many part is washed away with rivers and taken to environments. Mineral part of the soilMineral part of the soil may be formed from erosion of rocks, its dispersing and sometimes full burning of organic remainders. Its organic may be formed from decaying of plant and organic remainders. In each land mass mineral and organic parts are not in equal amount. Manuscript-8Mechanical composition of the soil waters, climate, and soil has direct influence in forming of the saline soils. Or to be truer, the drier the climate, the more white clay in the mechanical structure of the soil, the salinization of soils would go more rapidly. Manuscript-9Range of different mountain has been located in the territory of the Central Asia. One of the essential features of the Central Asian mountains is weakly express of the forest zone. Forest zone even was not developed in the most places. |
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