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on defense of scientific degree of doctor of agricultural sciences

Abduyev Mukhtar Rzagulu oglu

Name of scientific research



Soils with de-alluvial form of salinization and matters of their land-improvement in Azerbaijan

Baku -1966

(In Russian)

List of scientific researches of

Abduyev Mukhtar Rzagulu oglu



Water regime of soils and methods of their study

Theses of lecture of scientific conference of post graduates of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR. Baku, 1953 (In Russian)


Dynamics of salinization of soils in Eastern Shirvan

Works of IV scientific conference of post graduates of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR. Baku, 1955 (In Russian)


Agro land-improvement researches of soils for purposes of washing and cultivating lands in Shirvan steppe

First scientific session on coordination dedicated to program of scientific–research work in republic, Baku-1955


«Water- salinity regime of soils in Shirvan steppe».

Thesis of lectures of scientific session dedicated to matters of hydro technical construction, cultivation and land improvement in Azerb. SSR (Oct 24-27,) Baku, Publishing House of Academy of sciences of Azerb. SSR, 1955.


About water regime of soils in eastern part of Shirvan steppe.

Works of Institute of soil and agrochemistry of Academy of sciences of Azerb. SSR, Baku, vol., VII, 1955.

(In Russian)


On geomorphology of Eastern part of Shirvan steppe

«News of Academy of Sciences of Azerb. SSR», № 4, 1956. (In Russian)


Water-salinity dynamics of eastern part of Shirvan steppe.

Theses on candidate degree, Baku, 1956. (In Russian)


From practice of cultivation of saline soils for garden and vineyards plants

«Socialistic agriculture of Azerbaijan», № 10, 1956.

(In Russian)


Salinization of soils in Shirvan steppe and measures to prevent it

Publication of Sciences of Azerb. SSR, Baku, 1957.

(In Azerbaijani)


Water regime of soils in eastern part of Shirvan steppe and conditions of development of agricultural plants

«News of Academy of Sciences of Azerb. SSR», № 2, 1957.

(In Russian)


Conditions and types of salinization of soils in Eastern Shirvan

Works of Institute of soil and agrochemistry of Academy of sciences of Azerb. SSR, Baku, vol., VIII, 1958. (In Russian and Azerbaijani)


Water-saline dynamics of soils in foothill zone of Shirvan steppe

Theses of lecture of United session of lectures of Academy of sciences of Azerb. SSR and section of biological sciences of Academy of Sciences of USSR on matters of seasonal dynamics of plant cenosis, processes of soil forming and soil micro organisms (Oct 22-25, 1958) Baku, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences of Azerb. SSR 1958


About specification of de-alluvial form of salinization of soil in conditions of Kur-Araz lowland.

«News of Academy of Sciences of Azerb. SSR» series of biological and agricultural sciences, № 1, 1959.

(In Russian)


Washing-off of soils in Siyazan region

«Socialistic agriculture of Azerbaijan» № 3, 1959.

(In Russian)


Practical washing-off of soils with de-alluvial origin in conditions of lowlands of Azerbaijan.

«Cotton growing», № 12, 1959.

(In Russian)


Soils with de-alluvial form of salinization and matters of their land cultivation in Azerbaijan.

Thesis of lectures of united scientific session of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgian SSR dedicated to 40th anniversary of establishment of Communist party of Azerbaijan and establishing of Soviet Power in Azerbaijan. Baku-1960


Fertility of soils in Azerbaijan and ways of its maintenance.

Publishing house of dissemination of political and scientific knowledge in Azerbaijan - Baku, 1960.


Soils with de-alluvial form of salinization in lowlands of Azerbaijan.

«Publishing House of Academy of Sciences of Azerb SSR, Baku - 1960.

(In Azerbaijani)


Saline soils in Azerbaijan and its land improvement

Azerneshr- Baku, 1961.

(In Azerbaijani)


Chemical-geographical feature of soils with de-alluvial form of salinization in Siyazan-Sumgayit area

«News of Academy of Sciences of Azerb SSR, № 3, 1961.

(In Russian)


Saline soils of de-alluvial origin and conditions of their land improvement in Azerbaijan

«News of Academy of Sciences of Azerb SSR» series of biological and medical sciences, № 8, 1961.

(In Russian)


Dynamics of saline areas in conditions of Mil steppe

«News of Academy of Sciences of Azerb SSR» series of biological and medical sciences, № 1, 1962.

(In Russian)


About experiments of chemical land improvement in saline soils of de-alluvial origin in Azerbaijan.

Thesis of lectures in 2nd all-Union delegate congress of soil scientist, Kharkov, 1962.


Some data on chemical features of soils in Siyazan-Sumgayit area

«DAN of Azerb SSR», vol. ХVIII, № 6, 1962.

(In Russian)


Importance of diffusion in migration of salts

«News of Academy of Sciences of Azerb SSR» series of biological and medical sciences, № 6, 1962.

(In Russian)


Soil conditions and development of root system of saline land

«News of Academy of Sciences of Azerb SSR» series of biological and medical sciences, № 2, 1963.

(In Russian)


Salt producing of soils with de-alluvial origin

Thesis of lectures of scientific conference of junior scientific staff on hydro equipment and land improvement. Baku, 1963.


Reserves of plants in conditions of western part of the Caspian lowland of Azerbaijan

«DAN of Azerb. SSR», vol. XIX, № 5, 1963.

(In Russian)


On root system wormwood in conditions of lowlands of Azerbaijan

«News of Academy of Sciences of Azerb. SSR» series of biological and medical sciences, № 5, 1963.

(In Russian)


Main land improvement features of soils with de-alluvial form of salinization in Azerbaijan

Theses of XXIII scientific production conference of professor and teachers of T.I.I.I.I, Ministry of Agriculture, Tashkent 1964


Increase of saline form of soil at washing-off and methods of preventing them

“Cotton-growing”, № 12, 1964. December

(In Russian)


Development of alkalinity of soils at washing-off and methods of preventing them in foothill lowlands of Azerbaijan

“Cotton-growing”, № 12, 1964. December

(In Russian)


Influence of cultivation at saline regime of soils in territory of Zhdanov vineyard sovkhoz in Mil steppe

Scientist’s notes of Azerbaijan agriculture economy, 1965, №5


Improvement of alkaline features of soils in conditions of foothill lowlands of Azerbaijan

Thesis of lectures of III scientific –technical Conference of junior staff and post graduates on hydro equipment and land improvement. Baku 1965


Peculiarity of salinization regime of soils in foothill lowlands of Azerbaijan

Theses of lectures of conference dedicated to 50 years of organization of MOMS, Baku, 1965

Institute of soils and agrochemistry of A.S. of Azerb. SSR


Conditions of forming and registration of upper surface stock of foothill lowlands of Azerbaijan

«News of AS of Azerb. SS» series of biological sciences, № 2, 1965,

(In Russian)


Water regime in foothill lowlands of Azerbaijan

Works of Institute of soils and agrochemistry of AS of Azerb. SSR, Baku, vol. ХIII, 1965, (In Russian)


Movement of suspended humidity at evaporation from grey-brown soil of foothill lowlands of Azerbaijan

«DAN Azerb.SSR», vol. ХХI, № 9, 1965,

(In Russian)


Soils with de-alluvial form of salinization and matters of their land-improvement in Azerbaijan

Publishing House of AS of Azerb. SSR, Baku. 1966

(In Russian)


Soils with de-alluvial form of salinization and matters of their land-improvement in Azerbaijan

Auto thesis of dissertation on scientific degree of doctor of agricultural sciences

Baku, 1966.


Changing of saline regime of soils in conditions of irrigation systems named after Orjenikidze in Mil steppe

Lecture of Academy of Sciences (AS) of Azerb.SSR, vol. ХХII, № 7, 1966

(In Russian)


About increase of efficiency of washing-off of hard clay saline lands.

Lecture at jubilee conference on issues of hydro land-improvement and water economy in industry of Azerbaijan dedicated to 50th anniversary of October

Baku 1967


Soils with de-alluvial form of salinization and matters of their land-improvement

Publishing House of AS of Azerb.SSR, Baku, 1968


Mineralization and chemical content of de-alluvial streams in Azerbaijan

«News of AS of Azerb SSR» series of biological sciences, № 2, 1968.


Conditions of development and methods of increase of harvest productivity of agricultural plants in improved soils

Thesis of lecture of All-Union conference on salt –tolerant plants. Tashkent 1969


Takyrs of Azerbaijan

«News of AS of Azerb SSR» series of biological sciences, № 3, 1969, (In Russian)


Methods of increase of efficiency of land improvement of saline soils of foothills lowlands

Theses of lectures at II

Inter universities conference on economic efficiency of capital investments and financing of irrigation and land improvement, Tashkent 1969.


Experience of scientific production study of land improvement and mastering of hard clay soils in Azerbaijan and Georgia

Materials of All-Union land improvement conference. Baku, 1969.


On land-improvement of saline lands of foothill lowlands

«Hydro and melioration.», №3, 1970


Hard-clay soils of de-alluvial lowlands of Azerbaijan

Materials of VШ all-Union plenum on using of clays in USSR. Publishing house «Elm» Baku-1970.

(In Russian)


Soil of de-alluvial salinization and its land-improvement in Azerbaijan

Scientific bases of rational using of soil of North Caucasus and ways of increasing of their fertility. Nalchik 1971. (In Russian)


Application of chemical melioration at washing-off hard clay saline lands

Materials of republican scientific-technical conference “Chemistry and agriculture» May 24-26.Baku, 1971.


Methods of increasing of efficiency of washing-off of hard improved saline lands

Materials of international symposium on melioration of soda salinization.

Yerevan-1969. Works of VI Yerevan, 1971.(In Russian)


Improvement of hard improved saline lands in Azerbaijan.

Works of international symposium on new researches in the sphere of land-improvement of saline soils of UAR, Cairo 1972


Salt regime in irrigated soils of foothill lowlands of Azerbaijan.

Works of all-union conference «Modern methods of estimation of saline soils’ forecasting and warning of second salinization»

Moscow- Kharkov 1972.


Washing-off foothill lands with de-alluvial form of salinization.

In book «Recommendation on organization and carrying-out of washing-off of saline lands in the background of deep horizontal drainage in Kura-Araz lowland of Azerbaijan lowlands of Azerbaijan SSR» Baku

Offers for republican application



Ways of improvement of saline soils with low salt output in Garabakh steppe.

Theses of lectures of Х scientific session (Baku, May 15-16, 1973)

Publishing House «Elm», Baku, 1973.


Washing off of clay saline soils with application of sulphuric acid.

«Cotton-growing», № 9, 1973.


Increase of efficiency of washing-off of soils with low salt output.

Works of Х International congress of soil scientists, Moscow, 1974.

(In Russian and Azerbaijani)


Saline regime in irrigated soils of Azerbaijan

Works of Azerbaijani branch of All-Union Society of soil scientists. For Х International congress of soil scientists.

Publishing House «Elm», Baku, 1974.

(In Russian and Azerbaijani)


Washing-off of saline soils with mineralization waters

Theses of lectures of V delegate congress of soil scientists. Minsk, 1977.


Influence of some chemical substances on salt output and productivity of plants in Shirvan steppe.

Materials of Azerb. Department of All-Union chemical Society named after D.I.Mendeleyev,Baku 1977


Rapid melioration of clay saline lands of Azerbaijan.

Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR. Institute of Soil study and agrochemistr. Publishing House «Elm» Baku, 1977


Biological productivity of biogeocenose of foothill lowlands of Azerbaijan.

Academy of Sciences of USSR. Council on problems of soil study and land-improvement. Dagestan Branch of AS of USSR Dept of biology. Makhachkala 1978.


Protection of nature by way of utilization of wastes of oil chemical industry.

Theses of lectures of republican conference on issues of «Scientific basis of improvement of productivity of agriculture in Azerbaijan» in view of decisions of November of(1979)Plenum of CS of CP of Azerbaijan.



Forest re-cultivation of oil field soils of Azerbaijan

Theses of lectures of republican conference on issues of «Scientific basis of improvement of productivity of agriculture in Azerbaijan» in view of decisions of November of(1979)Plenum of CS of CP of Azerbaijan.



Influence of wastes of production on productivity of plants in Garabakh steppe.

Institute of soil study and agro chemistry of Azerbaijan SSR


Content of elements of feeding of plants in washable saline soils.

Biological role and practical application of micro-elements. 1 Theses lectures of VII All-union confernce